About 20 dissemination travel grants are available for those students and postdocs who are active in EUROGRAPHENE project of ESF for attending the "Graphene Science and Technology session" at the CIMTEC conference to take place in Montecatini Terme, Italy from June 10-14. Only EUROGRAPHENE participants can apply.
For more information, please contact the PL of your EUROGRAPHENE project or write to eurographene@esf.org The deadline for sending travel grant requests to ESF is April 30th, 2012. Please note that the selected grantees will then have to submit their applications and register via the CIMTEC website by May 7th (http://www.cimtec-congress.org/2012/hotposter_submission.asp). Graphene is widely considered as a "wonder" material, due to its exceptional properties. Nowadays there is a strong interest of both academia and industry to find the most promising, "best" application of graphene, which is still object of debate. After the pioneering years of basic research, graphene applications have spread from the field of physics to the ones of electronics, chemistry, mechanics and biology, and several applications have been recently demonstrated such as graphene-based liquid crystal displays, touch screens, solar cells, transistors, tunable spin valves, ultrafast lasers, chemical sensors, transparent electrodes, energy storage and harvesting devices, as well as NEMS incorporating graphene sheets. This Focused Session will gather experts from different fields of graphene research which will present their results to a broader audience of CIMTEC participants, fostering an inter-disciplinary discussion on promising and still unexplored applications of graphene. Session Topics A-13.1 Graphene production, processing and chemistry A-13.2 Electronic and optical properties A-13.3 Electronic, spintronics, optical and sensing applications A-13.4 Energy applications A-13.5 Graphene composites |